Environmentally Responsible

Water-less vacuum units, digital radiography, less shipping, digital charting, biodegradable toothbrushes; all done to lower our environmental impact while providing extraordinary care.


ogwood Dental is committed to doing our part to maintain our environment for years to come.  To address the needs of our dental office and clients we have worked tirelessly to provide state of the art Dental technology while remaining aware of our environmental impact.  – Dr. Councill

Digital X-rays:  80% Less Radiation Exposure compared to traditional film, eliminated the use of hazardous fixing / processing agents used with traditional film.

Water-less Vacuum System: Traditional water driven vacuum systems can use up to 200,000 gallons of water per year.  Our system uses no oil or additional water.

Digital Charting:  Significantly reduced paper waste.  Referrals and X-rays are stored electronically and can be sent over email.

Bio-compatible Materials:  Utilization of ceramics and composites to replace tooth structure in lieu of amalgam.   Healthier, happier, and more aesthetically pleasing smiles.  Restorations are also repairable in many cases.

Biodegradable Tooth Brushes and Floss: Bamboo biodegradable toothbrushes and coconut based floss.

Cerec:   Allows fabrication of crowns, veneers, inlays, and onlays on-site.  Reduced shipping of cases to Dental Laboratories.   Reduced waste (impression material decreased).  Reduced travel for patients as most cases can be completed in one visit.

Web Hosting:  The computers that manage this website are powered by wind energy.